The AVL M50 COMPACT SC and AVL M50 COMPACT GHG are designed for continuous extractive emission monitoring.
Since 2020 ships have only been permitted to run on low-sulphur fuel. Alternatively, exhaust gas purification systems can be used to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions. NOX limits are also defined for the emissions of ship engines. The results of exhaust gas purification must be measurable and documentable. With the AVL M50 COMPACT SC ships can continue to be operated cost-effectively with heavy fuel oil and scrubber manufacturers can offer their customers a modern and cost-effective measurement solution. The costs for operation and maintenance are low, as the robust measurement technology is designed for simple and fast service on board.
Since 2024, the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) requires ships to monitor and report their CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions and to pay per ton of emitted CO2. In addition CH4 and N2O emissions will be added from 2026.
Highly precise calculations of the emitted greenhouse gas masses can be achieved in combination of an M50 Compact GHG with an exhaust flow measurement device. This method is in line with MEPC.346(78) and delivers more accurate results than values based on the bunker delivery notes or bunker tank monitoring.